Employment rate

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Everybody speaks about the unemployment rate so I will talk about the employment rate.
I know you will look at the table and think 'Portugal hasn't a bad employment rate, it's the 15th country overall' - but in my opinion it's not that good, because we are a little country with 10 million people and we still just have 66% of employment rate.

It may sound stupid what I'm going to say but some people who are unemployed are in that situation because they want to, it's better to stay at home all day long while receiving money from the government, others of course are unemployed because no one accepts them due their age, qualifications etc. The fact is that in mall centres there are loads of shops which are asking for employees and the announces are on the doors for months, maybe people just don't want that type of work, but I think if I was unemployed I'd accept anything to be able to survive.

What do you think about this? If you want, leave your opinion on the comments. ;)

Source of the table: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_employment_rate

1 comentários:

Anónimo 17 de maio de 2009 às 15:06  

Ahah, I have a post quite similar to yours and I agree with you. Most of people are lazyyy...

...like you :D

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