There are many kind of jobs. Amazing jobs, bad jobs and dangerous jobs.
- This graph shows various dangerous jobs:
The 10 most dangerous jobs
Fatalities per 100,000
Timber cutters
Pilots and navigators
Structural metal workers
Drivers-sales workers
Electrical power installers
Farm occupations
Construction laborers
Truck drivers
- Some information about who work affect people:
-40% of workers reported their job was very or extremely stressful;
-25% view their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives;
-Three fourths of employees believe that workers have more on-the-job stress than a generation ago;
-29% of workers felt quite a bit or extremely stressed at work;
-26 percent of workers said they were "often or very often burned out or stressed by their work";
-Job stress is more strongly associated with health complaints than financial or family problems.

- More recently, the 2000 annual "Attitudes In The American Workplace VI" Gallup Poll sponsored by the Marlin Company found that:
-80% of workers feel stress on the job, nearly half say they need help in learning how to manage stress and 42% say their coworkers need such help;
-14% of respondents had felt like striking a coworker in the past year, but didn't;
-25% have felt like screaming or shouting because of job stress, 10% are concerned about an individual at work they fear could become violent; 9% are aware of an assault or violent act in their workplace and 18% had experienced some sort of threat or verbal intimidation in the past year. - A subsequent 2000 Integra Survey similarly reported that:
-65% of workers said that workplace stress had caused difficulties and more than 10 percent described these as having major effects;
-10% said they work in an atmosphere where physical violence has occurred because of job stress and in this group, 42% report that yelling and other verbal abuse is common;
-29% had yelled at co-workers because of workplace stress, 14% said they work where machinery or equipment has been damaged because of workplace rage and 2% admitted that they had actually personally struck someone;
-19% or almost one in five respondents had quit a previous position because of job stress and nearly one in four have been driven to tears because of workplace stress;
-62% routinely find that they end the day with work-related neck pain, 44% reported stressed-out eyes, 38% complained of hurting hands and 34% reported difficulty in sleeping because they were too stressed-out;
-12% had called in sick because of job stress;
- Over half said they often spend 12-hour days on work related duties and an equal number frequently skip lunch because of the stress of job demands.
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