
Volunteering is the practice of people working on behalf of others without being motivated by financial or material gain. Volunteering generally considered an altruistic activity, intended to promote good or improve human quality of life. People also volunteer to gain skills without requiring an employer's financial investment.

Benefits of volunteering

There are two major benefits of volunteering:

Economic benefits: activities undertaken by volunteers that would otherwise have to be funded by the state or by private capital, so volunteering adds to the overall economic output of a country and reduces the burden on government spending.
Social Benefits: volunteering helps to build more cohesive communities, fostering greater trust between citizens and developing norms of solidarity and reciprocity that are essential to stable communities.

Volunteering impress me. I like to see people help the others to live better, its a altruistic activity very impressive.

Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volunteering

2 comentários:

Anónimo 17 de maio de 2009 às 15:17  

It sounds interesting to me too :D
I always liked to help people and volunteering has so many benefits :)

Good post Mel!

mariana 18 de maio de 2009 às 07:06  

I would really lika to do volunteer work, but I din't found a programme that could work for me because of school...

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